How do I, and where should I fit the Magnetic Door or Window Alarm Contact onto my Doors or Windows?
If you have a home or building which is already pre-wired for an Alarm installation, then without a lot of potentially messy work, you are stuck with the position of the cables for the installation of the magnetic contacts onto your doors or windows, but hopefully the installer has positioned these correctly.
If you have , or you are considering to purchase a Wireless Alarm, then you can easily fit the Door & Window Contacts into the most appropriate locations, if they are already fitted they are easy to move.
What Are They?
For customers who are new to Wireless Alarm Systems, Magnetic Contacts are supplied in two parts, one is a battery powered magnetic switch with a built in Wireless transmitter, the other is a simple magnet.
They are designed to protect opening Doors & Windows, they are fitted so that when the Door or Window is closed the two parts are nearly touching, when opened the two parts are naturally separated, which results in the switch sending a Wireless signal back to the Alarm control panel, this would only activate the Alarm if it was in a Armed mode.
The Wireless transmission range back to the Alarm control panel will vary between different Alarms, but in general they are between 80 – 200 metres (line of sight), if you need to understand the term ‘Line of Sight’ please click on this link for full information.
How Do I Fit Them?
They are generally easy to fit using simply double sided tape and some tiny self tapping screws (normally supplied), but the positioning onto the Door or Window is crucial (more detailed advice below).
To physically fit the Magnetic Switch is very easy, once you have decided on the correct location, fit double sided tape to the underneath of the switch, and firmly position it onto the Door/Window or Frame. In most situations this double side tape is all that will be needed, but if the location is prone to any damp (kitchen, bathroom etc) we would advise using one or two tiny self tapping screws.
To fit the Magnet, follow the same procedure as for the switch, but then always add two self tapping screws, this is because the surface area of the magnet, against the mass weight makes it more likely to potentially fall off in the months ahead (better safe than sorry).
Important Information: Always check the correct operation of the switch before using the small self tapping screws (just in case you need to slightly reposition them). In most cases it would be advisable to drill a tiny pilot hole for the screws, especially when going into aluminium or PVC.
Where to Position Them?
The ideal location to fit a Magnetic Contact onto a Door would be on top, about 1/3 in from the hinge, any closer would allow the door to be opened too far before activating the switch (potentially allowing a person to enter without triggering the alarm), too far towards the latch end may result in the door moving in high winds creating false alarms.
On most occasions you would fit the switch onto the door, and the magnet onto the frame, but you may decide that the shape and design of your particular doors makes it more suitable the other way around, if this is the case this is perfectly acceptable.
Windows obviously come in many different shapes, designs and more importantly hinging mechanisms, therefore the important issue is deciding where best the magnetic contact would be at its most efficient.
On a traditional side hinging window, the ideal location to fit the contact would be the same as a door, on top, about 1/3 in from the hinge, any closer would allow the window to be opened to far before activating the switch (potentially allowing a person to enter without triggering the alarm), to far towards the latch end may result in the window moving in high winds creating false alarms (see illustration below):
If the window is of a different shape or design, you will need to use the same working principle of the contact to decide on the most suitable location for the magnetic contact & switch, please see illustration below showing a typical top hinged window:
Because of the wide variations to window design, you may decide to fit the magnetic switch onto the window or frame, both are perfectly acceptable, but where at all possible try to keep the battery powered section out of the weather.
Photo of a Wireless Magnetic Contact after Installation:
Magnetic contacts are great for use in Alarm systems, they result in very few false alarms (provided they are fitted correctly) and allow you or your pets to walk around the property whilst the alarm is Armed. If you need advice, please contact Ultra Secure Direct via the web site, ultrasecuredirect or by Telephone, Email or Live Chat.