Holiday Homes Security

***Wireless Holiday Home Security***

***Wireless Holiday Home Security***

 A selection of Wireless Alarms & CCTV, designed to help secure and protect typical designed Holiday Home, Apartments & Flats.

***Wireless Alarm Information***

Holiday Homes by their nature are most vulnerable buildings, regularly targeted by thieves due to the fact that they are often left empty for long periods, this makes a potential burglary an attractive proposition because there is less risk of being caught and more chance that the burglary will go unnoticed for some time, allowing a safe exit from the area.

Installing a Wireless Intruder Alarm will make the burglary harder, and less likely to go unnoticed by neighbours, you can even choose to have the Alarm contact you and key-holders by telephone or text message.

If the holiday home has no power then we can offer a selection of Wireless Alarms that run from Battery or Solar Power, or we can supply Alarms that can be connected to a hidden leisure battery (popular using Telephone Dialers & GSM Alarms). 

If the holiday home has no telephone line, we can supply Wireless Alarms that operate using mobile phone technology (GSM), these will contact key-holders by both Telephone & Text message, these can even contact you in the event of a power failure.

Listed below are a few tips & questions to ask yourself, before choosing the most suitable Wireless Alarm for your application:

Holiday Apartment

  1. Do you leave the power turned ON or OFF, when the building is left vacant ? (if you leave the power off, you will be best choosing a system using Battery or Solar Powered Wireless Alarm, although you could utilize a large leisure battery with most of our Wireless Alarm Systems).
  2. In the event of an alarm activation, do you want the Alarm System to contact you or keyholders by telephone or text message ? (this can be done with or without having a active telephone line in the premises).
  3. Do you have an active telephone line in the premises? (if you have no active telephone line, a GSM Wireless Alarm will be required).
  4. Do you want a loud Internal & External Siren to be activated if the alarm is triggered ? (you can choose any permutation to suit your requirements, from Silent to Internal & External Sirens).
  5. Isolated Apartments ? (some customers say to us that the Holiday Home is to isolated, therefore Sirens will not help, some say that the Holiday Home is to isolated and a keyholder would take far to long to visit, therefore loud Sirens are the prefered options, (there is no right or wrong way !!)
  6. A large percentage of customers will want both Sirens & Telephone Dialers (they may program an external set of balcony detectors onto Siren only, and internal Detectors into both Siren & Telephone Dialer, it is all possible).
  7. Entry Points, how many potential entry points would there be, most apartments & homes will have 2 or 3 that are the most likely to be attacked, they include Balconies, Rear Doors, Front Doors, Windows (directly above a flat roof), Rear Doors or Windows (that are not overlooked or are in the shadows).
  8. Do you want to be able to Arm & Disarm the Alarm remotely ?
  9. Do you want keyholders to be able to Arm & Disarm the Alarm System ?
  10. Do you want to include Water Flood Sensors & Smoke Detectors ?


Listed below are shown most types of Wireless Alarm Detectors & potential uses:

  • PIR:  (passive infrared, best sited into the corner of a room, visible from the main outside window (this also acts as a deterrent).
  • Curtain PIR: (this has a very narrow beam, which can be used to protect the inside of a bay window or sliding patio door, it can also be used in the horizontal position to aviod detecting small animals on the floor).
  • Magnetic Door Contact: (used to protect all types of doors and windows).
  • Vibration Sensors: (these are attached to the back of a vulnerable door or window, and will activate if it detects a violent attack, very usefull to prevent thieves gaining access to the property).
  • Outdoor Beam Grating Sets: (these are great to secure patio doors, balcony applications, wide windows etc, because of the fact that they are installed outside, they will trigger an alarm before the intruder has managed to force an entry, this can be such a relief to most people.
  • Long Range External Beams: (same principle to that of the Beam Gratings, but can be located further away from the property if suitable).
  • Water Detectors: (these detectors will be activated upon a water leak or flood, early warning to a flood can result in huge financial savings).
  • Smoke Detectors: (same as the typical smoke detector, but can activate the alarm, telephone dialers etc, for times when the Apartment is vacant).

The above tips will helpfully allow you to make an informed choice about which type of Wireless Alarm System you need, if not the information you have gathered will allow us to help you.



 CCTV used in Holiday Homes are limited, due to the fact that most of the time they are only recording the event, and do not help in catching the thieves or preventing the theft.

There are CCTV Systems that will notify you in the event of a person moving around near a Camera, but you will need normally require internet connection on site for this, if this is possible we can offer some IP CCTV Camera's, which allow you to view the property from your Smart Phone, these are often used in connection with Wireless Alarms that will contact key-holders. 

We can also offer a range of battery powered CCTV Camera's, which can either record video onto built in SD Cards, or send MMS pictures to your mobile phone & email if they detect a person (ideal for remote properties with no power, no telephone line, no internet connection).

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